I Run My Life. . . . Or is My Life Running Me?

Do you find yourself running in every direction and really not getting anywhere? Your mind going in umpteen different directions as you juggle work, getting ready for Christmas, taking care of the farm, getting ready to start a new year? Gets tiring just thinking about it. And yet, through all the rush and busyness of the season we find time to take some moments and enjoy them with friends and family. That is the beauty of this time of year.

I had someone ask me this week what my goals were for five years down the road. I gave it some careful thought and realized I probably did not have any goals past the next twenty four hours. So it made me think. Is this really a bad thing? Why get caught up in the future when it is difficult to live in the moment? But I also got to thinking about how I could gain better control of my life so that I could focus on enjoying life, enjoying family and friends and grow as an individual in my own community. A community that includes many of the people I spend time with, work with and deal with on a regular basis.

So here I go. I am making a New Years Resolution. Just to hear those words upset me. I do not have a good track record when it comes to resolutions made this time of year. Actually, truth be known, this will be the second one. Oh no. May have to actually list them so I don’t forget. Actually might be easier just not making any resolutions. That way I won’t fail, right? I feel better already. But wait. The resolution I was going to make was going to help me feel better. Don’t you just hate arguing with yourself?

Here goes. I resolve that beginning January 1, 2011 I will “. . . run my life . . . and not let it run me”. There, that part was easy. Now to figure out how to do that. For starters I need to finish that book on mindfulness because first things first. Get control of my thinking. Then take an inventory of my life and prioritize. Look after the important things in life. Relationships, health and happiness. Doing that should bring more clarity and control, right? I really think that after I take the first step the rest will start falling into place. Hey, this might be fun. Perhaps you want to try this with me. Think about it. Make it a good one.

Random Acts of Kindness


Tis the Season to be Jolly . . . . .