“Its Christmas Time Again”

Well, here we are. Just like that we have been swept into the season. What has not been readied to this point probably won’t be. And will it really matter? My challenge to my clients this week has been to try as best possible to set aside life’s worries and just for awhile enjoy the festive season. Enjoy the fellowship with friends, family and neighbors. Stop for awhile and enjoy the moment.

Perhaps this is easier said then done. Particularly for those who have experienced heartbreak in these days leading up to Christmas. Whether it’s the death of a baby a few short weeks before she was to be born. Or whether it’s a reoccurrence of sickness which we thought had been beat. Whether its financial challenges that don’t take a break. Perhaps it is loneliness because of a loved one lost. Perhaps its anxious thoughts for the future.

My wish for you is that in some way you may experience some peace and happiness in this season. May the words of the following poem help as you take the time to reflect on the past and look forward to the new. Make it a good one.

Put your problems on probation
Run your troubles off the track,
Throw your worries out the window
Get the monkeys off your back.
Silence all your inner critics
With your conscience make amends,
And allow yourself some happiness
It's Christmas time again!

Call a truce with those who bother you
Let all the fighting cease,
Give your differences a breather
And declare a time of peace,
Don't let angry feelings taint
The precious time you have to spend,
And allow yourself some happiness
It's Christmas time again!

Like some cool refreshing water
Or a gentle summer breeze,
Like a fresh bouquet of flowers
Or the smell of autumn leaves,
It's a banquet for the spirit
Filled with family, food and friends,
So allow yourself some happiness
It's Christmas time again!
Bob Lazzar-Atwood

Happy New Year


“It’s a Wonderful Life”