On Firm Ground

Well, here we are. The river has finally crested in Wawanesa. Seems that the rush to protect many parts of the town paid off. Hopefully flood concerns can start easing. After all it is July. While having said that I heard on the radio this morning that sand baggers are still required in some areas of the province. And while the towns along the Souris River can breathe a breath of relief, all the water still in the Souris River needs to find its way to Lake Winnipeg and Lake Manitoba. Lake levels will continue rising, meaning still more challenges for land owners and farmers.

As I told you some time ago I was feeling despondent about my golf game. I felt lost. Confused. Lost in the foggy middle. Was not sure what was going on. The only bright spot being a win against that certain left hander. Wondering what would happen in our next match. Not sure how it happened but I won again this week. Two in a row. Do I dare call that a streak. Perhaps I should retire from the sport. Quit at the top. Went for an early morning round today. Beautiful morning. Hit the ball well. Made some good shots. Felt my spirits rise. There is hope.

Could it be possible that I am on firm ground? A place where self-esteem and self-worth increase? Where optimism increases? I recall some of these feelings after I had been able to work my way out of a messy financial situation on the farm. I had come face to face with the realization that, what at one time had been a dream of financial success, a source for retirement, was not going to happen. I was forced to make changes. A different way of life. At an age where many start considering retirement I had to make significant changes. A change of jobs. A lifestyle change. After the debilitating thoughts of failure, feelings of shame and guilt, I sensed myself regaining my personal power. I became more confident as I transitioned to a new life.

I have had to learn new coping skills. My level of functioning is not what it once was. I seem to have a lower tolerance to stress. I need to remind myself of this on a regular basis. Otherwise I find myself slipping back into old habits. Slipping back into a zone where coping is difficult. I can tell you that I know more about myself. I know what I want and most of all I know how to adapt. The challenge is to know that I know and ensure I act upon that knowledge.

That certain left hander (he knows who he is) gave me some advice as he watched me struggle with my golf game. He told me to quit caring so much. In other words let it happen. After all these years of golfing the body knows what to do. I need to have faith in my muscle memory. Quit analyzing each little quirk in my swing, or in my putting or with my thought patterns. Let it happen. So often we have it within ourselves to move on. To have the needed strength. To see the positive things in life. To be mindful. To live within the moment. It is just a matter of reminding ourselves of these qualities before we fall back into that foggy middle. Sometimes it is good to have someone remind us and assist us as we face various challenges. Make it a good one.

Go to www.ruralsupport.ca to find further information on stress management. The resources include pamphlets entitled Hit by the Storm, The Foggy Middle and On Firm Ground.

This Happened to Me


Wawanesa, God’s Country