Keeping Up Appearances

Here it is. I am officially taking donations. I have a problem that will cost significant money to cover. Yes, I am satisfied with our income or, perhaps, I should say things are better than they have been for years. But there is an issue. I need help. I know that all of you that read this would like to help. Here is your opportunity.

I recall many of those years when I “lived” in a hotel. Back in the days when my wife said she did not mind what I was doing as long as I was not having fun. For some the thought of staying in a hotel night after night might have some appeal. Trust me. It can get very tedious. Channel surfing becomes the norm. For some strange reason I often watched the show: “Keeping Up Appearances”. Some of you may have seen it. It can actually be quite humorous. It has been awhile since I saw that show. Had forgotten about it. Just recently my wife came home and said someone at her workplace had suggested she watch it. She asked me whether I had ever seen it.

Today I am getting some things done in my office. The beauty of working out of a home office is that when you get tired of the work, get tired of the people you deal with, get sick of phone calls, you can go out and do some mindless yard work. Back in the land of country living you had no worries. No one to keep up to. No one that was watching. Do what you like. In our current place of abode things are a little different.

I went out this morning to cut some grass, weed eat around some trees, check on weeds that I had sprayed for. Quite enjoyable. I even ignored the golfers, knowing I could go out later in the day. However, I see my neighbors on either side are quite busy doing major work on their yards and houses. The one on the one side has installed a pool. Now there is work being done on their patio. I suspect that will take up a good portion of their back yard. On the other side the house is being fixed. Where do I fit in? I would like to keep up, but I can’t.

I need this. I need that. I want this. I want that. Perhaps I can pull off a Hyacinth, you know who I am talking about if you have watched the show. Try to fool people. Make them think I fit in. Make them think I am someone who I am not. Something like the person that walked up to a counter and asked; “do you know who I think I am?”. Sometimes who I think I am is completely different than who I really am.

That is okay. What really counts is my well-being. Last night I was mowing the grass and got a text from a neighbor asking me to go golfing. Absolutely. This morning my kids asked whether we could look after our grandchild Friday night. Would love to. Saturday family is coming by to celebrate father’s day. Should be fun. Last weekend we could attend a wedding and stay till the end. Short drive home. That was enjoyable.

All of that tells me that life is good. It takes reflection to realize that. And then, of course, some friendly reminders. My son sent me a text this week which simply said, “comparison is the thief of all joy”. How true. We spend an inordinate amount of time wishing for something else. Something better. Sometimes it is good to sit back and think, yes, life is good. Never mind keeping up appearances. Never mind wishing for something better. It is not about swimming pools, trampolines, toys, or other “things” we wish for. It truly is about relationships, about friends, about family. Do I sound convinced? Make it a good one.

Father’s Day


It Takes A Community