In Training
I suppose when one quits learning one is dead. And there are times when one needs a refresher. Over the last 2 weeks I have been in training.
Just before Christmas my son, who works with Mediation
Services, sent a message to his family offering them the opportunity to take a
workshop. I enthusiastically signed on because it was a workshop I had long
been interested in taking. As it turns out I had not read the entire message
and ended up registering for a course I had taken some 18 years ago.
Furthermore, the trainer I had now was the same person who taught me those 18
years ago. He was just as surprised to see me as I was to see him.
Further to that the second workshop I took dealt with Mental
Health literacy for farmers. As part of the In The Know program, developed by
the University of Guelph, I will be co-facilitating some of these workshops in
the months to come. Much of what I learned was things I had picked up over the
years in other trainings and the work I do. But it also came with some new
information that I can add to my arsenal.
One of the ironies in taking these workshops is how I relate
principles and theories both to the work I do but also to my personal life and
my relationships.
As it turns out I needed both conflict resolution and stress
management tools in the last few days so the refreshers were good. It seems
that at some point in life, and this becomes more challenging as I age, one
must keep up with technology.
Just before Christmas I got a call saying that fibre optics
was now available for internet at my house. Hey, sign me up. Faster internet
and a cheaper price? Absolutely. It was relatively painless till I needed to configure,
is that the right word, all my wireless gadgets. I got it figured out, just
don’t ask how.
Along with that, something I had now avoided for over a
year, was that my cell phone needed an upgrade. The reason I avoid this is the
switch over has always been a hassle. Previously getting my email set up and
transferring my data created problems. After I had picked my phone the person
helping me said it would only take a few minutes. I gave my wife a sly look,
thinking the fun has just begun. The phones were laid side by side, not
touching and not plugged into each other. Within minutes the person gave me my
phone and said it was all done. Wow, that was simple.
And then, unbeknownst to me, fibre optics meant I could
switch my TV service from satellite to whatever it is when its hooked up to my
internet. Again, better service at a cheaper price.
However, that requires phone calls to cancel services,
unexpected disconnection charges, new remotes to figure out, finding my
favorite channels on a new guide, new passwords and on and on and on. I am
getting a headache just writing about it.
So all of that required all of my conflict and stress
management skills. And sometimes at the same time. The refreshers on
perspective checks, turning judgement to curiosity, keeping my emotions under
control, utilizing self-care between phone calls and others helped me in
surviving the week. Now I need to find my recliner and hopefully find the golf
channel. Make it a good one.