Here Is To 156

On June 30, 2010 I began a project that has been a journey of unforgettable events. Okay, I realize that sounds strange. Let me put it another way. My memory is awful. It is difficult to remember what I had for breakfast. Wait a minute. I have the same breakfast every day. So I do remember that. Bran Flakes. With raisins. The only reason I eat that is because it tastes really yummy. Yeah right. Just like raisin bran muffins at Timmies. My wife thinks I have OCD. So be it.

Back to my memory. I remember working on files, having meetings, never taking notes, remembering everything that was said. Now I take copious notes and have a difficult time figuring out why I would have written some of the things I write. Reminds me of my friend who once told me that when he had a drink or two he came up with fabulous ideas. The problem was he could not remember those ideas in the morning. Been there. Done that. One day he decided to take a note pad to bed. When the ideas hit he wrote them down. Then in the morning he would remember. He found out rather quickly that ideas that sounded awesome under the influence were not nearly as good after a sober second thought.

Back to the subject at hand. 3 years ago I began writing a weekly blog. For the most part it was ideas, thoughts or stories conjured up in my mind. Might be a song I would hear. A story told by someone else. Experiences I would encounter in any given week. It became an interesting challenge.
The reason I suggest that this helps my memory is when I look back at what I wrote I remember where I was and/or what I was doing during any given week. I checked today and saw that the first one I wrote was right after an annual physical. The one I need to have for my class 1 license. Had a temporary anxiety attack as I need to schedule another one. Then I remembered that I postponed the last one because of certain eye issues. Hang on. I am having certain eye issues now. That tells me that as much as things change they stay the same.

Through the years I have heard people relate their experiences with journaling. Never quite got that till I had coffee with my brother and he explained how he had journaled for quite some time. At that point it hit me. My blogging was a type of journaling. Sitting and thinking and writing what ever comes to mind. My brother explained that going back in the journals was pointless as it was difficult to comprehend what his line of thinking often was. So there is a slight difference. For the most part I get my drivel. It makes some sense. What reassures me is that many people have told me that they can relate. They get it. It is helpful.

So here is to 156. That simply means that I have written 156 blogs. 3 years at 52 weeks a year equals 156. I never thought I would get to this point. It has been good. I appreciate the feedback I have received. Always gives me real encouragement when the blog is posted on facebook because someone feels there may be a helpful message in it for someone. I get encouragement when readers email me at the end of the week and suggest that it is time to post a new one. For me it has been a fulfilling and often times therapeutic experience. Here is hoping that the inspiration continues. Here is to another 156. Make it a good one.

What Is It


Summer Solstice