Summer Solstice

Saw a posting on facebook today where someone notified the world that we are half way to BOXING DAY. Really? Do we need that? WHY? For crying out loud. Leave winter out of this. Last week we had the first day of summer. Let me enjoy that, if only for a fleeting moment.

Thursday night I sat on our deck with the kids. It was a beautiful evening. We watched as the rainclouds moved north of us. At least I think that is north. Our house does not sit “square” with the world. It confuses me. I suggested to the kids that it was the first day of summer. One looked at the other and said “I told you so”. Now I was really confused. He went on to explain that he had suggested earlier in the day that all they would hear from their dad was that days were getting shorter. Me thinks they know me to well.

I recall, not that long ago, shortly after the LAST BOXING DAY. Sorry, got carried away there. I recall last CHRISTMAS. Wow. Sorry. This is hard. I remember suggesting the first day of winter that in six months the days would be getting shorter. Well, here we are. The days are getting shorter. If I look close enough the days are probably changing color. Sorry, I meant leaves are changing color.

All right. I admit it. I am being much too negative. I need to change that. And really, life is good. As I write this I am on my first day of holidays. This is outside of the norm for me. Holidays, but staying at home. Looking forward to it. No trips planned. Do some work, play some golf.

Ever notice how there are times we wish to slow down the clock? That is a good sign. We want to enjoy the moment. Other times we wish for the clock to speed up. Get us to the next point. Get us past a difficult moment. Sometimes I feel guilty of wishing my life away.

Had an interesting reminder this weekend on perspectives. My daughter-in-law asked whether I had ever seen the movie Freaky Friday. I have. It is a movie where a teen changes places with her mother. She went on to inform me that if she had an opportunity to change roles with someone it would be me. I was shocked. Taken aback. I asked WHY?? She said I had a nice house to relax in, a good wife who cooks awesome meals, a golf course out the back door, and an exciting and interesting job. Wow. Did that ever bring things into perspective. I thought about it. She is right. Life is good.

I need to change my thought patterns. Instead of thinking that in six months IT IS BOXING DAY. Sorry. Instead of thinking that summer is passing us by, I need to focus on the fact that we are two days into summer. Take a moment to enjoy the present. Life has so many positives to offer us. If we look too far ahead we miss many of those positives. Dare I say it? Live in the moment. Take this as a friendly reminder. In six months the days start getting longer. Oh, and in case you are wondering, we have a super full moon. Not sure what that means escept, everything is nuts. Make it a good one.


Here Is To 156


Father’s Day